My Daughter the Democrat

As most of you know Dave and I have a mixed marriage. He is a steadfast born and raised Republican. I am a open minded big hearted Democrat. Despite our differences and many late night conversations (Dave LOVES to come into our room when I have just fallen asleep and whisper "George Bush was the Lord's choice" just to wake me up and get me going), we are careful not to influences our kids because we both feel they need to make the right (or LEFT) choice for themselves. But the other day I had one of the bets motherhood moments ever when my mother-in-law Mama Sharon as she is known in these parts told me Mia told her she liked Hillary Clinton.

My heart was full! I now know there is hope for the future and with Mia's quick mind and gorgeous smile who knows maybe we will one day she will be Madam President Amelia Kae Meikle (that is of course if she decides to keep her maiden name).

Later that same day she told me she likes boys with tattoos, so she could just as easily run off and join the circus.

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

Dave is so mean! I am totally kidding. We are so not allowed to talk any bit of politics in our home, as we are split/mixed how did you put it, in our home too. I love that girl! What a beauty.