Daniel's 6th Birthday

Dressed for church
Matching brothers

Sam and Mia scored a gift each too. It made the day much easier!

Okay, so Daniel turned 6 on April 19th and so I know I am waaaaay behind, but his birthday was great and I think he will one day forgive me for this time lapse. We had his favorite breakfast of blueberry muffins and scrambled eggs. His favorite dinner of homemade pizza with turkey pepperoni and extra cheese (we like the recipe from Animal Vegetable Miracle best). He asked for a cake of triple chocolate, blueberry, peanut butter, and banana crunch frosting. I gave him a blue vanilla strawberry cream cheese cake with blue and green frosting topped with strawberries. It worked. He scored his favorite Star Wars ship and played with it all day. I just cannot believe my baby is actually six and loosing teeth, going to first grade and has smelly feet!

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