Another reason to never move!

Living by an elementary school has a few advantages: We get to see the Halloween parade go right by our house, we never have to park to attend a school function, we get awesome valentines from cute kids in February, oh and this year I received several handmade "remember to vote" posters and flyers on my door. I love getting to see the kids and their community involvement, but today was the best gift of all.

This morning my doorbell rang. I assumed it was UPS leaving a package and was in no real hurray to answer. But when I opened the door I was surprised to see 24 children from Mrs. Lau's 3rd grade class smiling and singing to me. Amidst their happy faces, singing, and dancing I was so happy too. When they were done we were presented with the cutest handmade ornament and about 24 awesome hugs. My favorite were the kids who greeted me with a "HI DANIEL'S MOM!" I love my new title! It was a very cute and welcome surprise this morning.

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