Daniel The Happy Bowler

Daniel went to Caroline's birthday party at the bowling ally today. I don't have any bowling party pics, but the ones above are from our holiday cookie decorating party with Owen and Caroline.  I was going to have Daniel's birthday party in April at the Union Lanes, but after seeing Liz and Tim's parents (Caroline's mom and grandparents) try to assist 12 4 almost 5 year olds bowl; I am having second, third and fifth thoughts. Daniel LOVED the party and had a blast. He was a little concerned at first because he was staring into the faces of ten giggly girls hugging and talking, but once he discovered O-Dogg was there too his spirits lifted and he was bowling like a mad man. I loved watching him jump up and down and cheer everyone on, and being so happy he even when he had a gutter ball. Just making it to the end of the lane was all the victory he needed. 
Daniel is such a special happy spirit and I am so happy he is a part of my life and our family. A few months ago we were all sitting around eating dinner (or rather watching the flying circus in its prime) and in the midst of the noise, mess and chaos Daniel stood up and announced "Everybody, Everybody listen up I have something I want to say." I was envisioning something inspiring like "Amelia smells," or the usual "Sam is poopy," but that day was different. Daniel said "I want to say two things, Mom is a good cooker, and we are a happy family." I just stood there looking at him and thinking this is what other moms mean when they tell me it is all worth it.  I love my sweet D-Diddy and I hope he always loves to be the nice, sweet person he is right now.

1 comment:

go boo boo said...

What a sweetie! We love D-Dogg the man (and the darling, if not naughty pictures of S and the sprinkles!) Love the pictures of the bffs.