Happy Mother's Day!

This morning we had Dave's parents down for brunch. It was a nice time. 

After they left I wanted Dave to snap a quick picture of me and the kids so I could have one of those nice "look how cute they were" shots to look back on and remember my baby angels.

After 10 minutes of bribery/cajoling/threats here is what we got:

I am sure one day this will be just "precious", but today all I can say is "yep, those are mine." 

But I really wouldn't trade them for anything, except maybe a hot bubble bath with a diet squirt and a good book followed by a nice two hour nap (sigh).


Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's about what our "Mother's Day" pictures looked like today. Love it.

I hear you on the bath, Diet Coke (for me), nap thing. Sigh.

Nicole said...

I never have success with "posed" pictures. So, I prefer sneaking around with the camera and taking candids. They turn out cute, too.

Our posed shots look a lot like yours. Strained.

Brett and Ali said...

What a darling blog! (I found it through Nicole's.) I do feel a bit better as I read on and see how everyone enjoys the same crazy "real life" as me. Keep up the great work!