Blog-a-holic Me

I am a blog-a-holic! I have waaaay more than 30+ subscriptions on my google reader, I am major blog stalker and I have this love/hate read/don't read relationship with so many blogs I love to love/hate.  And then there are the dream blogs with cute designs, shops and ideas I wish I could make, bake or create. I want to do it all and it drives me crazy. Especially since I do not even have time to read all these adorable, informative and sometime kind of controversial bloggies that I love. 

So in the spirit of blogs that make me want to shop here are some adorable dish towels that I am hoping to receive for my 6th (that's  right the seven year itch is coming) anniversary.



Anonymous said...

I AGREE!! Sometimes I fear that blog stalking gives me a complex and overwhelms me with so many ideas about what to do, buy, make, cook, etc. that I am utterly exhausted! Yet I keep on stalking!

Nicole said...

I was curious- I notice you stalking me (or my blog) sometimes and was wondering if I was on the "Blogs I love" or "Blogs I hate" list. Hmmm...

I love your blog. You are so candid and have a great writing style. But- it's the way you are in person, so that's prpbably why I like it!