Food Storage and the Wiener Dog

Baby A.G.

Last week was crazy...I had baby AG on Tuesday and Thursday. Baby Bella on Thursday and my three ninjas everyday because it is STILL summer and they still live at home.

I also taught enrichment (see previous post) and I was in the middle of three back to back YW lessons. I know teaching should not stress me out so much, but it totally does. I always feel so immersed in my subject matter until I get up to teach and then it is like someone flushed a toilet in my brain and I can never remember what I wanted to say, but I somehow talk too fast and too long about stuff I cannot even remember saying afterward. It is like I go into a dream and wake up 30 minutes later with sweaty armpits serving as the only evidence I competed my task.

On Thursday I was in the middle of child rearing/baby sitting/bread making/house cleaning/Dew drinking, when I sprained my ankle and really wanted to cry. But with a house full of kids you can't cry so I pretended to swear (saying bad words in your head, and yes when you are a Mom "crap" and "shoot" are bad words!). And while that did not erase the pain I felt so much better for it.

Then on Saturday I was dropping off some groceries to my grandmother when Ludwieg the angry wiener dog from Hades jumped up and took a bite of my leg. THAT HURT! I had no idea how sharp and painful that experince could be. I guess no good deed can ever go unpunished!

1 comment:

Brett and Ali said...

Sorry about your bad day...look up Daniel Powter's song "Bad Day" on You Tube, it always makes me feel better. What a super mom you deserve a gold, no platinum star!