Here Comes Trouble

Sam being "Helpful"
At least the floor was reasonably clean (I hope)

Mia got herself stuck in Sam's crib. 
The scary thing is she is our smart child
Today I was watching my nephew Archie and preparing my lesson for Relief Society Enrichment tonight. As you can see Mia and Sam were on their best behavior 
and made my day a stress free one. 
At least now I know the crib tent works!


Jennie-O said...

You did a great job tonight - you inspire me to want make bread because yours is so wonderful. I love your solution to sam sneaking out of his crib!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures, looks like a great day in the life of a mommy. I can't believe you didn't tell me you were already babysitting that day and were still willing (though I canceled on you) to watch Jack. You're the best. And you did a great job at RS - I love to hear you speak. And I LOVE to eat your bread. Too much.

Oh, and I'd eat off your floor anytime.

Nicole said...

Just when you think everything is under control, something like this happens...

Oh, well.

Question is: Could Mia get back OUT?